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Weekend Intensive Teaching – Topic - Perfection of Concentration In-person and Through Zoom with Geshe Jamyang Dakpa from May 31st to June 2, 2024

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Weekend Intensive Teaching – Topic - Perfection of Concentration - In-person and Through Zoom with Geshe Jamyang Dakpa 

TOPIC:     Perfection of Concentration

DATE:     May 31st to June 2, 2024

Cost: $140   In-person

Cost: $100   Through Zoom meeting.

Note:  To register please sending an email to  Please register by noon of the Friday of the weekend intensive start date.  This is necessary so there is time to send Zoom invitation.  Payment can be made through the website.   Click - Donation page and make payment OR send a check to Namgyal Monastery, 201 Tibet Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850



Cultivating meditative concentration is an essential practice in Buddhism.  Concentration is the fifth perfection on the Bodhisattva Path and is the prerequisite to the perfection of wisdom. The goal of the practice is to achieve calm abiding or shamata—the ability to focus on any object for as long as desired. 

Once calm abiding is attained, meditators use it to practice the perfection of wisdom. The development of calm abiding can be a long process that requires overcoming numerous obstacles. 

During this weekend intensive Geshe-la will describe the stages of the development of concentration that lead to the achievement of calm abiding along with the obstacles encountered and the skills used to overcome them.  Geshe la will also provide instruction on analytical meditation during the weekend which is an essential practice in cultivating wisdom realizing emptiness. 

This is an excellent teaching for students at all levels.  For beginners, the teaching will provide guidance in starting the practice of concentration. 

For more experienced students, this teaching will support current practices and help determine what is needed to move to the next stage of concentration.  As always, Geshe-la will provide ample time for questions and discussion.


Geshe Jamyang Dakpa was born in the year 1976. At the age of eleven he became monk and started his primary education at the Local Monastery.  He studied in the local primary school to the age of twelve and the age of nineteen Geshe Jamyang Dakpa joined Sera Jhe Mopnastery in Bylakuppe, South India where Geshe la has studied rigorously for sixteen years on the five major treatises of Buddhism and had received 1st position in all basic monastic education including Tibetan grammar and script, memorization of Buddhist scriptures.  While completing the Buddhist Sutra and Tantric courses such as Pharchin, Uma Dua Ngompa Zoe and Sang-ngag.

In the year 2017 Geshe Jamyang Dakpa received Lharampa degree -equivalent to PhD in 1st Division.  In 2018 Geshe la received his Master of Trantrayana degree in 1st division from Gyutoe Trantric University. Dharamsala.


At present he is faculty at Namgyal Monastery – Tantric College in Dharamsala, India and Geshe Jamyang Dakpa will be the main teacher at Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies, Ithaca, NY.


Friday - Introductory Talk: May 31st  2024 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.


 9:00-10:15: Morning Session

10:15-10:30 Tea Break
12:00-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00- 3:15 Afternoon Session

3:15 - 3:30 Tea Break

3:30-5:00PM Afternoon Session

 9:00 - 10-15 Morning Session

10:15 - 10:30 Tea Break

10:30 - 12:00 Last Session