Support Namgyal Monastery
“…preservation of Tibetan Buddhist culture in
[a] free country is now very important.”
— HH Dalai Lama
Get Involved
Be apart of the mission of world peace, religious harmony, education in science and religion
There are many ways to be part of our community and support our goals. Come and visit our center and/or attend one of our monthly events. Please consider making a donation in support of our mission, as established by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. See our Membership Program.
By clicking below, you will be given options for a one-time gift and/or a regular monthly gift. All gifts, in whatever amount, are deeply appreciated.
Please note that you can contribute to three distinct funds:

Namgyal Monastery Ithaca
The monastery is in need of support to complete payments on a major, 10 year loan that was used for the recently built student Residences.
If you would like to help sustain and develop Namgyal Monastery as an institute of Buddhist studies, and as the North American Seat of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s personal monastery.
Donations by check (in any amount) can be made payable to “Namgyal Monastery” and mailed to Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies at
201 Tibet Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Donations by Paypal: office@namgyal.org
His Holiness the14th Dalai Lama
Library and Learning Center
We are pleased to announce that Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies has been chosen as the official site of the His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s Library and Learning Center. This will protect the legacy of the Dalai Lama and all that he represents to millions of people throughout the world. It's primary mission is as a learning center for scholars and practitioners of all faiths, as well as scientists, educators, and philosophers of all disciplines.
Learn More: https://hhdalailamalibrarylearningcenter.org/
Pay to the Order of: Dalai Lama Learning Center and Museum
Mail to: Namgyal Monastery Institute Of Buddhist Studies
(201 Tibet Drive. Ithaca, NY 14850)
Donate with wire transfer and direct deposit:
Email- office@namgyal.org or contact (607) 272-2785
Donation by Paypal: info@hhdalailamalibrarylearningcenter.org

Namgyal Monastery India
Please help us support our parent monastery, Namgyal Monastery Tantric College in Dharamsala, India, by donating to the Namgyal India General Fund. You can contact them at namgyalmonastery@gmail.com.
Donations to Namgyal India (www.namgyalmonastery.org) are not tax deductible. However, any assistance will make a tremendous impact on the life of the monks residing there.
Donations by check (in any amount) can be made payable to “Namgyal Tantric College“ and mailed to Namgyal Ithaca (address above) or directly to:
Namgyal Monastery- Thekchen Choeling
P.O. McLeod Ganj – 176219
Disst. Kangra, H.P.Dharamsala, India