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2025 - SPRNIG SEMESTER CLASS SCHEDULE February 3 – May 2, 2025 There will be a one-week break for Losar February 24-28, 2025

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February 3 – May 2, 2025

There will be a one-week break for Losar February 24 to 28, 2025

 Namgyal Zoom Classes:  Namgyal will host all spring classes by Zoom. Later in the spring when weather is better, some classes may also be available in-person.  Audio recordings of the Zoom session for a class will be available for download the next day after class.  The cost for Zoom class access is $200.  To register for classes, contact  Payments can be made by check or online through the Namgyal website.

Senior Citizen Discount: A discount of 15% will be granted to seniors (age 65 or older), applicable  to full-time tuition or tuition for individual classes.


Buddhist Science and Philosophy:  Volume Two-The Mind

Instructor: Geshe Ngawang Gyatso translation by Palden Oshoe

Mondays 6:30-7:45

Tuition: $200.00 for semester (payable in full or in two $100.00 installments)


For over 25 years, His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama has engaged in annual Mind-Life Conferences with Western scientist from various disciplines to explore the commonalities and differences in Buddhist and Western views on the nature of reality and the mind.  One outcome of these discussions is that HHDL convened a group of renown Buddhist scholars (Geshes) to compile all the treatises from classical Indian Buddhists texts that provided discourses on Buddhist science and philosophy.  The second volume in this series provides a compilation and synthesis of teachings on the Indian Buddhist view of nature of the mind.  In this class, Geshe-la will continue explanation of the Mind and Mental Factors he began in the fall and then continue on through the text discussing other aspects of mind.  This class provides a unique opportunity for students to gain understanding and have discussion about foundational concepts the classical Indian Buddhist views of mind.   


Text: Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics Vol. 2:  The Mind

Conceived and Introduced by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Edited by Thupten Jinpa


LAM RIM (Stages of the Path to Enlightenment) Part 2: Individual Liberation (Middle Scope)

Instructor:  Geshe Ngawang Gyatso translation by Palden Oshoe

Tuesdays 6:30-7:45

Tuition: $200.00 for semester (payable in full or in two $100 installments)


The Lam Rim is a fundamental text in Tibetan Buddhism that details all the teachings and practices of the complete path for the attainment of enlightenment.  Part Two covers the second stage of the path in which one realizes to end suffering one must gain complete liberation from cyclic existence (samsara). Topics covered include:  Nirvana/ Liberation, Four Noble Truths, the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, the six root and twenty close delusions, and six wrong views.


Text: The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment Vol. 1 by Lama Tsongkhapa


Mind Training Text Study:  Thirty-seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas

Instructor:  Geshe Ngawang Gyatso translation by Palden Oshoe

Wednesdays 6:30-7:45

Tuition: $200.00 for semester (payable in full or in two $100.00 installments)


The Thirty-seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas is a classic mind-training text within Tibetan Buddhism.   The verses of this text outline all the essential practices of the Mahayana Path including generating bodhichitta, understanding the nature of reality, transforming negative emotions and practicing the six perfections. By studying, contemplating and meditating on these verses and their meaning, one can transform their feelings, thoughts and actions to progress towards becoming a bodhisattva.   During this weekend intensive, Geshe-la will provide a more detail explanation of key points of this important text and provide guidance in how to apply these mind-training verses and their meaning in one’s daily life.   This teaching is excellent for both newcomers and more experienced students.  For newcomers, it will provide the foundation for a basic understanding of key points of study and practice within Tibetan Buddhism.  And for more experienced students, the teachings will serve to refine one’s understanding of the deeper levels of the practice of the BuddhaDharma.


Root Text:


Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism Part 1.2: Approaching the Buddhist Path

Instructor: Deana Bodnar

Thursdays 6:30-7:45

Tuition: $200.00 for semester (payable in full or in two $100.00 installments)


This course will provide an introduction to key points and practices in Buddhism.  The course will focus on reading and discussion of a book written by His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama and American Buddhist Nun, Thubten Chodron.  This text provides an excellent overview of important concepts and principles in Buddhism and connects these to modern life for Westerners.   Topics covered include: 1) basics of the Buddhist view of life and mind; 2) working with destructive emotions; 2) cultivation of constructive emotions such as love and compassion; 3) overview of the core teachings given by Buddha Shakyamuni; 4) overview of various meditation and mind-training practices and 5) exploration of how these practices can support our mental peace and happiness in our daily life out in the world.  The goal of the course is to give students a basic framework for understanding different teachings and practices within Buddhism and explore how we can integrate them into our daily lives to support our spiritual development.  Each class will also provide time for questions and discussion about these topics as well as time for meditation practice.


Recommended Reading: Approaching the Buddhist Path by His Holiness the 14th Dalia Lama and Thubten Chodron (Wishom Publications)


Deana Bodnar has been a student and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism at Namgyal Monastery for over 20 years.  She has previously taught classes on the Neurobiology of Meditation.